guild living, bath

bath, uk

Creating a new paradigm for later living in the UK

The objective of this project was to create a new, vibrant and inspirational later living destination in the historic city of Bath. Marchese Partners | Life3A have created a mixed use environment. This development engenders people to be able to age in place with dignity in a safe and inspirational environment.

With local history woven into the design, we have provided exceptional urban design. We place making, opening the amenity to all, with privacy for the members when they require it.

To ensure our ageing better design principals are imbedded into every aspect of the design, we ensure that the end user, can age in place with dignity and respect.

LocationPines Way, Bath, United Kingdom
ClientGuild Living
No. of apartments253 residences, 30 care suites, 5 assist residences
FeaturesCare hub, health and wellbeing centre, flexible, adaptable independent living units

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